HWE DSG has a single purpose – to support people with Diabetes by helping them to better understand and manage their condition.
This is achieved through a programme of:-
Join our Closed Facebook Group
HWE DSG has developed an active social media policy to promote activities and provide a safe place for people with Diabetes to collaborate on issue of concern.
The Facebook Group is a closed group limited to people who have Diabetes, are at risk of Diabetes, and families/carers of those with the condition.
There are strict ground rules for the Facebook Group to ensure that it is a safe and trusted environment in which people can be certain that an open dialogue is possible and any confidential information is secure.
To join the HWE DSH closed Facebook Group please click the button below;
Find out about Co-production of Diabetes Services in our Area
Co-production of Diabetes Services is a way of ensuring that people with Diabetes are actively engaged in helping to shape how
Primary and Secondary Care Services evolve in the future.
HWE DSG is actively engaged with the Diabetes Steering Group in South & West Herts and also the Hertfordshire Integrated
Diabetes Service (HIDS) operation in co-designing and reviewing both current and new services to ensure that high quality input is
available to the Service Providers in our area.
We will discuss with Providers in both East & North Herts and West Essex to evaluate how our members in these areas can be similarly engaged in co-production.
If you would like to be involved in co-production of services, please send your email address to HWE DSG at info@hwedsg.co.uk
giving the first three letters of your postcode.
All rights reserved – Herts West and Essex Diabetes Support Group 2023